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CAS is a graduation and IB Diploma requirement. 

The following requirements must be completed to fulfull the CAS portion of your Diploma:

  1. Complete the CAS Personal Profile Questionnaire and upload it to ManageBac.

  2. Initial and sign the CAS Agreement. Have your parents sign the agreement. Take a photo or scan the document and upload it to MangeBac.

  3. Complete a two year CAS Personal Plan and upload it to ManageBac.

  4. Enter your CAS experiences and project(s) into ManageBac. Include all necessary information for each experience and Project.

  5. After approval of your experiences and Project(s) you can get started!

  6. The CAS programme formally begins at the start of the Diploma Programme and continues regularly, ideallyon a weekly basis, for at least 18 months. You should have a reasonable balance between creativity, activity, and service. 

  7. Plan and complete a minimum of one CAS Project which includes collaboration with a group. Before starting the CAS Project you will need approval from the CAS Coordinatore and the CAS Project - Planning Form  needs to be completed.

  8. Collect evidence while completing your CAS experiences and upload it to ManageBac.

  9. Complete thoughtful and detailed reflections about all of your CAS experiences and projects. Be sure to include a description of which learning outcomes you fulfilled and how. 

  10. Participate in 3 interviews with your CAS advisor.  Upload the recorded interviews to ManageBac.

  11. Sign and complete the CAS Completion Checklist to ensure you have met all of the CAS requirements for the Diploma Programme and graduation.

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