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CAS Descriptions

Descriptions of CAS Experiences

Before starting your CAS experiences, they must be approved by teh CAS Coordinator. To receive her approval for your CAS experience or project, you will need to write a complete description in ManageBac. 


The description must answer ALL of the questions below from the first two CAS stages:



-What you want to do?

-Why did you choose the experience?

-What are your goals for the CAS experience?

-How do you plan to reach your goal?

-For service experiences – what need will you fulfill?


-What days and times will you complete the experience?

-What is your supervisor's name and contact information (phone or email)?

-How you will provide evidence of your CAS experience?

-Is there anything you need to do before you start the experience?

-Select the ManageBac boxes for the learning outcomes you will address

-If this is a group project, what is your role?


Example Description:


Activity: Learn to swim 
Investigation: I chose the learn how to swim because I have always want to compete in a triathlon. I like to run  and bike, but don’t know how to swim competitively. My friends that I run and bike with have signed up for a triathlon and I would like to try to compete with them.


My goal is to swim 500 meters without stopping and then compete in a triathlon in Honolulu on December 1st. I can reach this goal by joining a master’s swim program. The program costs $50/month. I can use my money from babysitting to pay for it.


Preparation: The program practices on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights from 5-6:30pm at the pool in Manoa. The coaches provide instruction and a workout for each session. I will practice 3x/week for 7 weeks. This will take me 31.5 hours to complete.


My supervisor will be Coach Jane Swimmer. Her contact information is 808-123-4567. I will provide pictures and videos of me at the pool before, during, and after the 7 weeks. I will also share my completion certificate from the triathlon.




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