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CAS experiences can be associated with each of your subjects.  groups of the Diploma Programme. You can make connections between your subjects and CAS experiences.

  • Group 1 (Literature) - creative writing, produce audiobooks for the blind or write a movie and produce it

  • Group 2 (Language B) - Provide language lessons to those in need, create language guides, or raise awareness of the culture of the language being studied through a website or other method of communication

  • Group 3 (Individuals and Societies) - Record the oral histories of people living in elderly residential homes and create family memoirs, collaborate on a community garden

  • Group 4 (Sciences) - create an astronomy club for younger students, help maintain a nature preserve

  • Group 5 (Math) - Teach younger children to overcome mathematical challenges, maintain financial accounts for a charity, plan a math scavenger hunt at school to show the importance of math in everyday life

  • Group 6 (The Arts) - take dance lessons that lead to a performance, participate in a community art exhibit, or create a performance or exhibit at a hospital or nursing home.

  • TOK - CAS experiences can provide a real-life situation for you to use as the basis of your TOK oral presentation. They can also be a basis of where knowledge questions are derived.

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